Working Hours: Monday to Friday, averaging 8 hours per day. Flexible remote/hybrid work is offered once a week after 3 months of employment, subject to management approval.
Other Benefits: Indefinite employment contract, annual performance bonus, and yearly salary increments.
Career Development: Opportunities for growth within the organisation, in line with the Company's ongoing expansion and development projects.
Salary Bracket: The salary bracket stipulated includes the above benefits and compensation package aggregated.
What Heroix Offers
Confidentiality and Discretion: Your job search will be handled with the utmost confidentiality and professionalism.
CV Review: Receive candid & constructive feedback to enhance your CV.
Interview Planning: Get personalised prep sessions prior to your interviews.
Cultural Fit Assessment: Understand the company culture to ensure it's the right environment for you.
Long Term: Gain insights into the role and company for a long-term, stable career move.
Exclusive Opportunities: Access a broader range of job opportunities.
Personalised Candidate Profile: Stand out with a detailed profile highlighting your strengths and skills.
Ongoing Support and Guidance: Benefit from continuous support throughout your job search process.
Networking Opportunities: Leverage our extensive network of industry contacts for exclusive positions.
Time Efficiency: Save time and effort with our efficient and effective recruitment strategies.
Tailored Job Matching: Find the perfect fit with customised job matching based on your skills and career goals.
Feedback Loop: Stay informed and engaged with regular updates and feedback on your application status.