
Jobhound utilizes a number of specialized service providers as sub-contractors or sub-processors to assist in delivering an optimal level of service to our clients. In doing so, we ensure the competence, reliability, and professionalism of these sub-contractors. We also enter into agreements that ensure the obligations that we have assumed with respect to our clients are, at a minimum, also assumed by these sub-contractors/sub-processors.

The table below outlines the list of the current sub-contractors that we use specifically to process our data, in each case identifying the purpose of the processing they do and the hosting location. Not all these sub-contractors/sub-processors may be relevant to you, as they may be limited to processing data related to different Jobhound sections.

Sub-contractor / Sub-ProcessorsPurposeLocation of Hosting
Digital OceanCloud Hosting, AnalyticsGermany
StripeThird Party Payment ProcessorUnited States of America
GoogleBusiness and User Analytics, Cloud Services, Developer toolsUnited States of America
BrevoEmail Service ProviderFrance
AtlassianUser Support Tickets ManagementUnited States of America
SlackEvent notfication systemUnited States of America
TelegramInternal Development Correspondence and event notfication systemUnited Arab Emirates
VultrCloud HostingNetherlands
New RelicData AnalyticsEuropean Union
MicrosoftUser AnalyticsEuropean Union
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This Sub-Contractors/Sub-Processors list is valid from the 25th of July 2024 onwards.